I realized that I kind of hate Hum 201. For non-BYU people that's Western Humanities from Early Minoan Civilization until the Early Renaissance.
I enjoyed the Classical period, but other than that, I don't particularly enjoy anything. And I daresay that I don't feel there was a lot of enlightenment at this time in the art department. It's kind of...ugly. And not abstract, I don't get it ugly, but just ugly.
I think I just hate devout, religious art (which is the majority of art at this time) because I feel the world was farthest from religion at this time. (I do love a good dose of irony.) Everything is just so gaudy and show-y. There are some major architectural feats with cathedrals and what not, but I'm not really interested in architecture. I'm all about practicality most of the time.
I took the second half of Humanities before the first, which was a mistake because from the Renaissance and on, everything is just so beautiful and innovative.
Please get me out of the Dark Ages. Soon.
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