
Monday, November 28, 2011

Mission Week #4

Time goes by so fast in the mission! Eventually I want to put pictures on this thing, so I hope that isn't too complicated for my mom who updates my blog.

The mission does some really weird things to you. I actually got talked into singing a solo; I rejoice when it's only 0 degrees Celsius; (almost) anything tastes good after 5:30 p.m.; I want to knock on every. single. door; I don't push the snooze button anymore. What is going on?

The only thing I can come up with is that having an attitude of happiness and gratitude in our lives changes our perception. I've really learned a lot about what is important and what is not these past couple of weeks. I've realized that God truly is loving and merciful, and if we take the time to look around, we can see that He truly does guide our paths. This journey of learning and teaching and giving is the greatest journey I could hope to have.

I love you all!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mission Week #3

"I'm in Canada now! I don't have a lot of time today, but I just have to say that the Canada "eh" is real. I thought it was a joke, but EVERYONE uses it. And people think I have an accent here, which is cool I guess. I've also experienced the coldest weather of. my. life. This isn't even the worst of it, I hear. But I haven't complained of the cold yet! That's my goal--to not complain and to be nice in cold weather. I become the world's meanest woman when I'm cold if you didn't know. Flannel sheets are my best friend! I've actually been quite happy because teaching people about Jesus Christ gives me more joy than I could have imagined. I sleep like a rock every night because I'm so exhausted. I love being exhausted for a good cause!

Well friends, I'll be a little more thoughtful next week, but I hope you all are happy! Happiness and joy are possible in this life because of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Just know that you are never forgotten."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mission Week #2

I'm still living the MTC life! I'm learning a lot about myself and what kind of person I want to be, which can be quite exhausting. I'm learning even more about helping and loving others. If I could say anything to anyone stumbling across this, it would be this: Believe that there is a God in heaven who knows you personally by name and who loves you. Believe that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the light. Believe that through Him, we can be better today than we were yesterday.
Check out and you can search my name under the "meet people" tab.
I would love to hear from anyone! You can email me at, but leave your address, so that I can write you back! Or you can send me a letter to my Canadian address because I'll be there in less than a week!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mission Week #1

Hey Everyone!
I've been in the Missionary Training Center (MTC) for a week now. It has been the longest week of my life--in a good way. We have 16 hours of our day scheduled out six days a week. Pretty crazy huh? Being busy is one of the best feelings though, I think.
There are a lot of rules at the MTC, and you will be surprised that I've kept the feisty to a minimum, so I've followed all of them. If you know me, you'll know that I can sometimes be a rule-bender, but I'm breaking that habit.
I live with four girls in one room, which could be asking for trouble drama-wise or swine flu-wise. Luckily, we haven't run into either! I don't really believe in swine flu anyway...
Best Quote of the Week--
Sister Jones (while looking at the cover of one of our church/mission booklets): Why is there a Hispanic on the cover??
Me: Sister Jones, you can't just ASK that...
Disclaimer: She's not racist; she promises.
Well I love you all! And God does too! You should ask Him just to make sure though :)
Peace Out.