
About Me

Carpe Diem.

If you're reading this, I hope we've met before, but if not...

I'm Tanya.  I am tenacious, introverted, and feisty.  

I studied Physiology and Developmental Biology and Spanish at Brigham Young University.  Next, I want to do graduate school and find cures for things--except AIDS; no one cares about AIDS.  I plan on being in school forever.  Awesome!

I dabble in ballroom dance, play a mean game of Scrabble, and love a good conversation--like the ones that continue seamlessly late into the night, and you find yourself telling your deepest secrets to someone and wondering how that even happened--yeah, those conversations.

I don't eat animals, but I won't stab you with a fork if you eat a hamburger in front of me either.  I believe in peaceful vegetarianism.

I absolutely love the transcendentalist movement.  I realize that sounds super pretentious, but you should have a knowledge of it if you went to high school.  If not, Wikipedia!  No judgment.  

I also adore e.e. cummings.  

I could go on about what I love and don't love, do and don't do, but the real "about me" is in between the lines...(couldn't resist that pun.)

Love, Tanya

P.S. Sorry about the AIDS joke.