
Saturday, October 30, 2010


I'm going to try to make this vague.

I have a friend that is one of those music commandos. This means that her music choices trump everyone else's. It's always her ipod that is used to play in the car, the room, whatever. Normally I'm pretty chill with people's music choices, and I can learn to appreciate a lot of types.

But there is something about her purely hip-hop choices that just makes me want to throw her ipod home off a cliff. I even like some hip-hop, but I feel like the particular facet of hip-hop she likes is the exact type that I loathe.

But I really enjoy her as a friend.

Love the music player. Hate the music.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I think you should make a stand as we are instructed in Ferris Beuler, "I GOTTA MAKE A STAND..." (Cameron)