
Saturday, February 27, 2010


My age group+my location of school+the culture of religion/school= a high probability of facebook friends who are pregnant.

Situation: Many pregnant women on facebook give the up-to-the-minute details of their labor process. (i.e. dilation, effacement, thinning of something?, baby positioning on the cervix, etc.)

Maybe I'll blame the TMI behavior on the high amount of hormones running through their bodies. Now before you all think I'm hating, I'm not. I am so interested in women's health issues. I want to work with an OB/GYN as a PA when I "grow up." Pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, reproduction, etc. does not bother me in the slightest. In fact, it's a beautiful and miraculous process the way our bodies work. Most people though get slightly offended/grossed out with these kind of updates. I think my programmed response is a little taken aback as well. But then I think, why do I have to be a slave to my culture's social conditioning to be offended at topics that should supposedly be kept quiet about? Why does pregnancy or menstruation have to be taboo? I'm not saying this so that girls will have a right to moan and complain all the time, but why can't women and men talk about there bodies in an objective way? Why can't people understand that various functions of our bodies can affect our moods and dispositions and it's okay to discuss it? Why can't I say vagina at a restaurant if I can say stomach or lungs or duodenum? (I did this once, and the reaction was not so friendly.)

The human body is not taboo!

It's amazing and beautiful and natural and mysterious.

And if somebody wants to post on facebook how their labor is progressing, then update away. I can handle it :)


Brittany said...

Here's my problem with these underaged moms posting every detail of their pregnancy on's not that it's gross or inappropriate bc i love the female body too, its great whatev...but they act like everyone cares....I DONT CARE TO SEE YOUR PREGNANT EXPOSED STOMACH...i dont care if you threw up this morning, and frankly, when i'm not on my period the last thing i want to hear about is someone elses, like....seriously it's TMI in the sense that nobody cares and we're being forced to hear an update every single day....there's my rant.. i'm glad you posted this bc i have been thinking about it a lot too...

Tanya said...

Yes, that's true haha. But most of people's updates I don't care about anyway--not just the pregnant ones. When we post updates of our lives on facebook it's mainly a self-serving thing. So I guess your qualm with it can be applied to many unnecessary updates.