
Thursday, February 18, 2010

and the bleeding continues...

I never preoccupy myself with money. I think it's a waste of time. Ideally, I would like to make enough one day to live comfortably. I guess everyone wants that.

True Story: (I don't know how to budget.)

This doesn't mean that I am frivolous by any means. I probably have been spending too much money going out to eat in my college experience. This isn't always my fault. It's hard having friends who are always having birthdays and what not. I'm not good at saying no. But, I have never planned out a hard core budget for my life. I've always just had this idea that there will be enough money for what I need.

Then reality sets in. I finally have to pay part of my tuition (thanks to the chem 352 class that plummeted my GPA...) Actually though, I have been very blessed to have had the tuition ride that I've had. I'm not complaining at all. I just realized that this spring/summer will drain my life savings.

Time to get a job.

I still believe that in the end, everything will work out. So I'm not that worried...yet.

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