
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A plan! A plan! A plan!!!

I, Tanya Milburn, have been accepted into the Masters program at BYU in Physiology and Developmental Biology.

Thank you God. No, really--I know He had an influence in that decision because I was really worried about my last senoritis epic failure of a semester.

I can't tell you how relieved I am that I have a plan for the fall. I know it's not Harvard like my good friend Jarom, but it's something dammit. I literally feel 20 lbs. lighter... I may even check the scale on that one.

Dear Life,

Thank you for not completely abandoning me and giving me a second chance to rock the academic world.

Love, Tanya


Beth said...

Congratulations, Tanya!! That is so amazing!

Monica said...

Hooray! Like we had ANY doubt that you would do fabulously.
And you WILL rock the academic world because you are fabulous. Love you!