
Thursday, May 26, 2011

gender neutral

So here is this article you should read.

If you don't want to read it, the main idea is that these two parents are raising their child without a gender. The baby does not have ambiguous genitalia in any way, but the parents are keeping it secret from other people in order to let the child decide what gender it wants to be.

Something about this seems terribly, terribly wrong.

I'm not one to call myself uber-conservative, but I feel like this parenting choice would even paint some liberals red--not that it's really political, but whatever...

It is evident that the child's parents love him/her, and they want to raise it without gender biases or stereotypes in order to foster independence. A lovely idea, but they just might end up creating gender confusion and alienate the child.

I believe gender is an essential characteristic to who we are as human beings. I'm not advocating that we live 1950's stereotypes. Many strong and favorable personality characteristics can belong to both men and women, and I don't think we should foster this extreme dichotomy between the two sexes in terms of personality and ability. But there is something to be said about knowing your gender and nurturing it into part of who you are. Not to mention, I feel like it's a bad science experiment to see if you can completely nurture a gender while ignoring nature's influence.

And won't this kid find out soon enough when he enters this thing called the world? Only time will tell...

1 comment:

Monica said...

Seriously dude--I saw this article the other day and was just--flabbergasted. Mostly because I think that the psychological repercussions could be disastrous. I have so many reasons why I want to shake these parents into sense, but I have a feeling that it is all a publicity stunt for them. Sad sad sad.