Anyway, as part of my uber-sensitivity, there comes: The Over-Analyzation--again to the extreme. It often helps when I have friends like M or J tell me, "Tanya, you need to calm down."
I'm going back to my motto which is to "buck up." I may not be able to help the fact that I overreact in my mind way too dramatically, but with practice, I can change my attitude and subsequent actions.
Blah. I feel like I need a case in point. So here you go:
So maybe I tentatively like someone in one of my classes--not a huge, all-out crush; it's just the possibility. Anyway, after changing my outlook on dating the other day and resolving to not be so passive and put myself out there a little more, I forgot that putting yourself out there more comes with the greater risk of you not being received so well (and by "you," I mean me). I maybe spent too much time picking out something to wear (which in the end, didn't come together as I thought it would). I maybe spent way more time than my normal 15 minute get-ready routine. I maybe spent too long in front of the mirror fixing and primping and redoing and posing and planning and adjusting and dabbing and criticizing ohgoshwhydoesmyfacehavetolooklikemyfacewhyamInotprettierIlooksohaggardwhatdoIlooklikefromthebackIcantpulloffthishairmyfaceisfatthisoutfitisstupidthiskidisprobablyoutofyourleagueanywaywhyareyoubeingsoridiculous
And in the end, this kid ignored me.
I felt like Tom in "expectations vs. reality" scene in 500 Days of Summer. That scene actually resonates a lot with me in more than one instance.
As I walked home, I thought, I'm a stupid, stupid girl.
Now this may be part of my nature to get really down about something insignificant, but when I got home, I put on my running shoes, ran out the bad energy, and came to this conclusion: I'm still fabulous, even if no one else knows it.
i think that you are fabulous too.
There are so many girl-power songs that tell you the same thing. But I think they are cheesy...
you ARE awesome and creative and all other good things. Trust me--you are cool. And I mean COOL. Not a lot of people have that.
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