
Friday, February 4, 2011

Health Care

This is by no means a comprehensive argument on the pros and cons of socialized health care, but for the moment, I just wanted to say this: I don't agree with socialized health care.

So many Americans take their health for granted. Heart disease, cancer, and stroke are the leading causes of death (not to mention, diabetes coming in a close 6th.) All these diseases have a large lifestyle aspect that factors into their causes. Before you freak out at my insensitivity, I'm a scientist. I know about genetics. I know sometimes we draw the short straw and get a bad combination of genes that predispose us to these illnesses. BUT, genetics aren't everything. Take responsibility for your health and for your life. Some of us have to try harder than other people. That's life.

The point is that I don't want my tax dollars paying for your irresponsibility. Am I saying there shouldn't be safety nets? No. Am I saying there shouldn't be compassion for genuinely uncontrollable circumstances? No. But if you shove junk through your body and watch reruns of Jersey Shore (an extreme example, I know) and wind up with diabetes or arteriosclerosis, don't expect me to front the bill.

I know I'm feeling rather unsympathetic today, but that's the harsh truth. Get over it.

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

I agree! I feel like I'm one of those people who has to try harder due to the genetics thing but I realize I need to be responsible and take care of my body. Yay Tanya! Also, you are allowed to be insensitive on blogs...but not on facebook because then people put nasty comments on your me.