
Sunday, April 18, 2010


My friend Matt introduced me to this band called John Butler Trio. I always knew he loved them, and I just never checked them out. Last night we all drove up to the hot pots, so we had plenty of driving, and I got a good dose of this band. They are classified as an "ecelctic/jam band" according to wikipedia. That's a pretty good term for them because their music has a lot of different influences, which adds to their versatility. John Butler is pretty much one of the most amazing musicians I have heard. I'm sad it took me this long to realize this.

There is an instrumental piece that John Butler plays called Ocean. Basically he started writing a song about how everyone is connected, but words eluded him, and this is what came out. It's brilliant; it's epic; it's moving; there really is no adjective to describe how impactful this song is. It's about life and love and birth and death and people and connections and relationships and empathy... It makes me realize how big life is beyond my small scope that I see through. It makes me want to change something, create something, be something. It makes me realize that my small part in the world is enough. There is a greater force in this world (which would be God for me) that takes our small actions and magnifies them to affect so many people. We are in a beautiful entangelment of interdependence with one another.

And life is just so beautiful.

Great band. Great song. Great message.

Thank you, Matthew Gress for opening my ears.

New Love:

Check it out.

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