
Monday, June 13, 2011

dental skool

I think I rant about the dentist every time I go because I just hate it so. Yes, I know I need to floss more. Yes, I know my gums are receding into oblivion, which I'm starting to believe is out of my control. I swear, I brush softer and softer every time...

Anyway, so I'm laying in the chair about to get a filling. For some reason the topic between the dentist and hygienist turns to sunscreen. Here is the conversation (with my brain commentary):

Dentist: Well there's the SPF part. Do you know what that is?
Hygienist: Uhhh...
Me: [Come on, you got this...]
D: I'm sure you know.
H: Uh..doesn't it help with sun burn or something?
Me: [Sun Protection Factor, dude]
D: Yeah, well there's different numbers like 40, 50, 70.
Me: [70? Don't think that's normal...]
D: Do you know what they mean?
H: Not really
Me: [Not really??]
D: It's the time needed to reapply. Like 40, would mean every 40 minutes.
Me: [Uh, that's not remotely true. Try multiplying by 10]
H: Oh, that makes sense.
Me: [No, no it doesn't. I don't know if I want you putting that drill in my mouth now.]

Maybe it's just me, but I worry when people lack in common sense that they are lacking in other areas too... Oh well, I'm still alive.


Claire said...

Wow, that whole first part about your gums receding and flossing, blah blah exactly how every visit of mine goes.

Meagan said...

Tanya, please see my latest blog post:

I feel the same way.

Tanya said...

Claire: I'm glad I'm not the only one! They always make me feel like a freak for having gums recede this early. haha

Meagan: I'm on it.

Monica said...

FYI: Willows Pond Dental Center is g-h-e-t-t-o.

Tanya said...

Monica: yo se, yo se...