
Saturday, December 11, 2010


It's a little passe', but I finally got on the Inception train. I went to the theaters (by myself) because I was tired of hearing all the references to it and not being able to appreciate the pop culture allusion.

My mind is only semi-blown. And I will tell you why.

This is what my physics class in high school was all about. We would get on tangents far away from Newtonian physics and start discussing things like quantum mechanics, time travel, alternate realities. This is where I was first introduced to the idea that my reality might not be real--that everything I'm seeing is a projection of my mind. This is how our brains work after all. Every bit of sensory information is translated into a series of electrical signals, and the brain chooses how to interpret those signals. How do I know if the interpretation is really what is there?

We also discussed lucid dreaming and being able to control what happens in your dreams through diligent practice. Next time you dream, try to tell yourself to do something like tie your shoe. Eventually you can say where you go and what you do. I'm still working on this though.

So Inception was an extension of the brilliant ideas and theories to which I had already been introduced. Thanks Dr. Bellamy.

1 comment:

Doc B said...

You're most certainly welcome, Tanya. Glad to see that you're continuing to create your own reality... Cheers!