
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas!

"Merry Christmas everyone!  And Happy Boxing Day!  I'm probably going to be one of those obnoxious people when I get back who compares everything Americans do to what people in her mission country do; I will forever be contrasting Canada and the States.  Sorry.  (Pronounced as it looks: sORry, not sARry.)

This was my second Christmas in Canada.  I started out in Edmonton, went up to St. Albert, traveled to Spruce Grove, and ended back in Edmonton with some familiar faces.  No accidents on the icy roads either.  

To be honest it didn't feel like Christmas, and it did at the same time.  I wasn't with my own family; that was a big hindrance.  I could open my presents with my matchy-matchy sweater, belt, scarf, tights combo which is so my mom it's-not-even-funny, but I wasn't actually opening it at my house with our real tree in the living room.  (At least, that better have been a real Christmas tree!)  But I did feel privileged to be a spectator for everyone else's Christmas and to see their traditions and the love they had for their families.     

It did feel like Christmas because in a small way I seemed to get it a little more this year.  Christmas is about Jesus Christ.  "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I can hear you all chime it now.  But really, Christmas is about Jesus Christ.  And it's about God, our Heavenly Father who knew how to give the perfect gift long ago.  It's about Jesus Christ who chose to give his will to the Father and offer Himself a ransom for our infinite mistakes and heartaches and shortcomings and weaknesses and pains and trials.  It's because of this gift thatevery good thing comes through Christ.  If we learn to give as Christ gives, we will experience the joy and peace beyond our imagination.  I know that's true.

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year.  Make a change that counts this year.  "

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